
The Women’s Group Coaching Container

Are you ready to finally invest in yourself? Are looking for some guidance, motivation, and structure to maintain or improve your health and wellbeing this Autumn? Do you like the idea of combining 1:1 tailored Nutritional Therapy with weekly group challenges and coaching? This bespoke 8-week women’s container might just be the answer. 

Deep down you know you can’t find the level of health and happiness you’re after without any personalised support.

You're tired of the mixed messages and confusion about how to eat and live well.

You try your best but you still have some niggling issues that you’ve normalised.

You might wonder if you have enough symptoms to justify investing in personalised Nutritional Therapy.

Perhaps you’ve felt quite alone on your journey and would love to connect with other women in a similar position?

Then this 8-week experience is for you.

Investing in knowledge and habits now will help you keep your health for yourself and your loved ones for years to come.

What to expect from the Container:

Group Community

A huge bonus of this container is being part of something and being motivated by others. It will be a convenient Whatsapp group where you will be reminded of weekly challenges, coaching calls, and share your experiences with other women like you.

1:1 Consultation & Advice

Everyone within the container is eligible for 1:1 consultation worth £250 with Jade at their chosen point during the 8-weeks. This will be followed by a personalised health and supplement plan. GP test request letters will also be available for individuals.

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

We will meet on Zoom every week for a c. 1-hour hybrid webinar and group coaching call. This will likely be weekday evenings. These calls will focus on different foundational pillars of health every week so that you can slowly expand your knowledge and layer up your habits.

Weekly Challenges

It takes a while to form a habit, so trying to form too many at once can often set us up for failure. Instead, we will focus on layering up new habits every week by completing the weekly challenges - spurred on by other women in the container.

Optional Testing

As this container includes personal health support, you have the option to book a range of functional health tests for an additional cost. This will include continuous blood glucose monitors, hair testing, and genetic testing options. (NHS Testing will be used for basic bloods).

Bonus Content & Discounts

It doesn’t end there. Other resources will be provided to support you through the 8 weeks. There will be bonus sessions such as cook-a-longs, shopping lists and discounts will be available on supplements, and health-related products.

Registration is now open!

Do you want in? Click the button below to sign up now and take one of the 14 spots in this intimate Women’s container.

  • "I’d say no matter where you’re at on your journey if you need an overhaul or just a lifestyle tweak Jade is your gal. I would literally trust her with anything."


  • "The difference in my health and general well-being is night and day, I enjoy exercise, have energy, and no longer suffer with anxiety. I’m now equipped with the tools to carry on feeling and enjoying optimum health for my future. I couldn’t recommend Jade enough, it’s such a valuable investment."


  • "The tools and advice I’ve been given will stay with me for life, as well as the knowledge and awareness of my own body and how I feel. I’ll also say that Jade is very warm and understanding - this can be tough stuff but there’s always compassion for where you’re at and I felt like I could discuss absolutely anything with her."


  • "I would highly recommend working with Jade, it has been a true pleasure working with her, she is incredibly supportive and compassionate and is relentless in her mission to understand her clients needs and to help them live a much healthier and happier life."


  • "Working with Jade has enabled and empowered me to take ownership over my own health and wellbeing. I went into this expecting to get some tips on feeling better but have left with a greater understanding and trust in my body, as well as dramatically improving the fatigue that I initially sought nutrition support for."


  • "I have continued to practice much of the advice that Jade had offered and have been able to manage the issues that I had when I met her. Even speaking with Jade about the problems I was having was a therapy in itself. I would highly recommend Jade for all nutritional needs, no matter how minor or major."


Hi there, I’m Jade.

I help women reclaim their power and improve their resilience within the context of the modern world.

I once worked in the hectic advertising industry, where I experienced burnout several times and accepted health problems as normal.

I have over 5 years of experience helping women from all backgrounds and have continued to learn and evolve so much in myself and my practice along the way.

My approach to health and happiness is a truly holistic one. I believe we must factor in the whole person - mind, body and soul - if we want to address health issues, heal and optimise. I am seeing women getting sicker and less resilient in this challenging and toxic world, and part of my job is to help them find both their strength and their softness to ease back into alignment. Many of my clients have ongoing health problems, but others want to focus on preventing issues to protect their health in the future. Whatever your goal is, I’m here to help you achieve it.